My Precious! Things of Importance in Old Norse Literature, 2020
- Program 2020: MY PRECIOUS! (342 KByte)
- Bogenrieder - Rings of Importance (1 MByte)
- Hauke - Óláfs þáttr Geirstaðaálfs (98 KByte)
- Jürgens - The Reforging of Grásíða (2 MByte)
- Korecká - Objects from other Worlds (311 KByte)
- Kujal - Sampo (147 KByte)
- Nováková - Seals in Old Norse Literature (603 KByte)
- Šík - All Kullervos Things (627 KByte)
- Watzek - And Elliði hears (1 MByte)