Band 45 - Matthias Egeler, Stefanie Gropper (Hrsg.): Dreaming of a Glacier. Snæfellsjökull in a Geocritical Perspective
Band 45 Matthias Egeler, Stefanie Gropper (Hrsg.):Dreaming of a Glacier Snæfellsjökull in a Geocritical Perspective Snæfellsjökull is one of Iceland’s most famous volcanoes. It is there that Jules Verne located the entrance to the centre of the earth; it is the abode of a medieval saga hero and the location of one of Halldór Laxness’s novels. Travellers, painters, poets, and film-makers have been drawn to it in equal measure – while at the same time and against all expectations, others seem unfazed: as famous as the mountain is on a national and international stage, local folklore and medieval historiography have amazingly little interest in it. Clearly, Snæfellsjökull is not the same to everyone.