Violence and Aggression in Old Norse Literature, 2015
Programm 2015
Friday, 5th June 2015
- 9.30 Jiří Starý, Wilhelm Heizmann: Violence and Aggression in Old Norse Literature
- 10.00 Ondřej Vaverka: From berbeinn brautingi to dáðlauss svikari ragr: An Attempt at a Typolo-gy of Verbal Aggresion in Selected Old Norse Sources
- 10.45 Stefanie Poschlod: Between Beast and Man – The berserkir as violent warriors
- 11.30 Coffee break
- 12.00 Michaela Plavjaniková: Peaceful Men, Vengeful Women: Gender Perspective on Aggression in Sagas of Icelanders
- 12.45 Johann Levin: Keeping it in the Family – Domestic violence in Njáls saga, Grettis saga and Bárðar saga
- 13.30 Lunch break
- 15.00 Sophie Heier: Doing the Inevitable – the Concept of brenna in Old Norse Sagas
- 15.45 Coffee break
- 16.15 Lucie Korecká: Eitt sinn skal hverr deyja: Aggressors, Victims, Death and Heroism in Íslendinga saga
- 17.00 Katharina Winter: Aggression and cru-elty in Sturlunga saga
Saturday, 6th June 2015
- 10.00 Daniela Hahn: Þeir gerðu þar mikit hervirki í ránum ok manndrápum. Robbers, Assassins and Highwaymen in Family Sagas
- 10.45 Magda Králová: Crudelitas barbarica. Descriptions of Violence in the Verse Passages of Gesta Danorum
- 11.30 Coffee break
- 12.00 Andreas Schmidt: Brute force vs. sly words. Forms and concepts of violence in Færeyinga saga
- 12.45 David Šimeček: Verbal Aggression in Magic
- 13.30 Lunch break
- 15.00 Florian Deichl: Non-stop violence. ‘Potestas’ as a method of hierarchical structuring in Völsunga saga and Nibelungenlied
- 15.45 Coffee break
- 16.15 Jan Marek Šík: Then, sir, since I fail in wisdom, with the sword I offer battle. Cruelty and Aggressiveness in Old Norse Mythological Poems and Lönnrot’s Kalevala
- 17.00 Kristýna Králová: Blueish blades of spears, waves turning red from blood. Depiction of Violence in the Modern Literary Adaptations of Old Norse Sagas
Deichl, Non-stop violence
(582 KByte)
Hahn, Robbers
(1 MByte)
Heier, Brenna
(298 KByte)
Korecká, Íslendinga saga
(161 KByte)
Králová, Crudelitas
(584 KByte)
Králová, Adaptations
(705 KByte)
Levin, Domestic
(343 KByte)
Plavjaniková, Gender
(342 KByte)
Poschlod, Berserkir
(187 KByte)
Schmidt, Færeyinga saga
(1 MByte)
Sik, Edda and Kalevala
(92 KByte)
Šimeček, Magic
(513 KByte)
Vaverka, Typology
(653 KByte)
Winter, Sturlunga saga
(448 KByte)